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2020 Annual Camper Maintenance

2020 Camper Maintenance

Due to the pandemic our camper sat unused for 8 months so I decided to do the camper maintenance a bit early on my own this year. Bobby normally helps me with this but he is a Respiratory Therapist working in Gainesville, FL. So, I performed the required maintenance on our 2015 Jayco Jay Flight 23RB Travel Trailer to for a trip to Paynes Prairie to help our two younger, Stevie and Charlie, move into their new place to start the new academic year at University of Florida. I somewhat followed the same list as previous years.

Here are some stats on our camper as of July 18, 2020 when the maintenance was performed.:

  • Years Owned: 5 years, 2 months
  • Total Mileage: 17133 miles
  • Total Nights Camping: 166 Nights Camping

For the record, here is a list of all of the systems on which we performed preventative maintenance:

System Tasks Notes


Configured backup assist N/A. In my opinion this is a complete waste.
Removed Gear Rust N/A
Lubricated ball and sway connectors Used standard grease.


 Inspect  Hoses, connectors, and tanks in good repair
 Clean  N/A
 Refill  Refilled before previous trip was canceled


Inspect Noticed even more rust. Still need to plan some time to work on this.


Inspect Seams Last year we repaired with Eternabond tape and it is holding nicely.
Repair issues Broke one skylight while cleaning the roof. Had to replace and sealed with eternabond.


Inspect Replaced with removable 7500 lb stabilizer jacks that we keep inside the house (rather than letting them rust on the camper).
Lubricate N/A. New stabilizers


Paint N/A. Painted earlier in year.
 Lubricate hinges Lubricated earlier in year

Fresh Water

 Sanitize  Followed recommended procedure to drain, sanitized, flush, and refill the fresh water system. I should write a separate blog detailing that process.

Septic system

Clean tank Tank has been kept very clean over the last year so no action necessary.
Sanitize gear Gear was kept clean over the last year so no action was necessary.

Hot Water (Gas)

Test striker Lit and ran hot water heater on gas. Removed wasp nests
Clean Cleaned using vacuum and compressed air

Refrigerator (Gas/Electric)

Test striker Lit and ran refrigerator on gas. Cleaned out wasp nests. Ran until cold on both gas and electric.
Clean Cleaned using vacuum and compressed air

Stove (Gas)

Test striker Lit and ran stove on gas

Air Conditioner

Inpect and Clean filter Internal parts are starting to rust. Unit is not running as efficiently. Added an additional window AC unit that we can use as necessary during really hot months.


Clean Sprayed with bleach water to kill mildew. Actually cleaned up nicely
Inspect Some rust on screw heads, etc.
Lubricate Sprayed liberally all joints and moving parts with silicone lubricant.


Inspect New tires this year. Inspected rubber, hubs, and suspension. No issues.
Grease hubs N/A. Will do this next year.
TPMS Replaced batteries in the tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS)

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